
Basal Media


아지노모도㈜의 아미노산 기술과 30년이상 동물세포배양배지사업에 대한 경험을 바탕으로 개발된 동물세포배양배지입니다.
최근엔 모두 Chemically Defined 성분으로 동물유래성분을 포함하지 않은 고성능 배지를 제조·판매하고 있습니다.

CELLiST BASAL Media는 Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO)세포의 성장과 재조합 단백질 생산을 하는데 최적화된 Chemically Defined Media 입니다.
CELLiST BASAL Media는 아지노모도의 역량 및 아미노산에 대한 노하우를 바탕으로 개발되었으며, CHO-K1, CHO-S, CHO-DG44, CHO-DXB11 등 다양한 CHO 세포 라인에 적용 가능합니다.


  • 화학적으로 조성되었으며 동물 유래 성분이 없음
  • 아지노모도의 오랜 아미노산 연구 역량 및 전문 지식을 바탕으로 배합한 고품질의 아미노산들을 포함하고 있음
  • CHO-K1, CHO-S, CHO-DG44 및 CHO-DXB11 을 포함한 거의 모든 CHO 셀 라인에 적합함
  • 다양한 사용 목적에 적합한 형태로 포장의 변형이 가능


Model No. BASAL10
TYPE Powder
Concentration 24.3g / L
With Additives D-Glucose
Without Additives L-Glutamine · Sodium hydrogen carbonate · Thymidine Hypoxanthine · Poloxamer · Insulin and other growth factors
Storage Condition 2℃ to 8℃, dark and dry
Shelf Life 36 months
Item Description Powder, chemically defined and animal derived component free medium, rehydrate to 1 L

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CHO-K1 cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3/BASAL10 with FEED2

A. Viable cell density
B. IgG Titer (Day 14)
CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against five popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 6% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

CHO-GS (CHOZN®) cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3/BASAL10 with FEED2

A. Viable cell density
B. IgG Titer (Day 14)
CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against six popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 4% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 7, 9, and 11. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

CHO-S cell line
Fed-batch culture of CELLiST BASAL3/BASAL10 with FEED2

A. Viable cell density
B. IgG Titer (Day 14)
CELLiST BASAL3+FEED2 and BASAL10+FEED2 combinations were evaluated against five popular commercial media brands in fed-batch culture. 4% of FEED2 was added on days 4, 6, 8, and 12. Feeding manner for other commercial media was followed according to each manufacturer’s recommendation.

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